合規是福田戴姆勒發展的(de)基石,要實現世界級一流公司的(de)目标,除了(le)産品、市場(chǎng)、供應鏈一流外,遵守國際法律、誠信經營必不可(kě)少。 ——董事長(cháng) 吳越俊先生
- 對(duì)政府官員(yuán)的(de)賄賂
- 個(gè)人(rén)商業往來(lái)中的(de)賄賂
- 要求或誘使業務夥伴提供娛樂(yuè)、宴請、禮物(wù)或其他(tā)贈與物(wù)或個(gè)人(rén)服務及恩惠;
- 由商業夥伴支付差旅或者住宿費用(yòng);
- 過度奢華的(de)宴請或款待或者一年中超過兩次接受來(lái)自同一商業夥伴的(de)關于娛樂(yuè)活動的(de)邀請;
- 接受商業夥伴本身不出席的(de)宴請、款待或者娛樂(yuè)活動的(de)邀請;
- 收受禮物(wù)或者其他(tā)利益,價值超過500元人(rén)民币或者頻(pín)率過于頻(pín)繁。
電話(huà):+86 10- 6067 8800
福田汽車集團合規準則管理(lǐ)辦法序 言 北(běi)汽福田汽車股份有限公司(以下(xià)簡稱“公司”)是一家跨地區(qū)、跨行業、跨所有制的(de)國有控股上市公司,公司的(de)願景是成爲科技與品質領先的(de)世界級汽車領導企業,目前已經建立了(le)以發展爲主線、以組織目标爲基礎、在法律和(hé)制度框架内的(de)以人(rén)爲本的(de)企業文化(huà),而誠信合規的(de)商業行爲是我們實現願景和(hé)踐行企業文化(huà)不可(kě)或缺的(de)重要保障。
Beiqi Foton Motor Co. (hereinafter referred as “the Company”) is a cross-regional, cross-trade and cross-ownership state-holding listed company. The Company has the vision to become a world-class leader equipped with leading technology and leading quality in the vehicle industry. The Company has cultivated a people-oriented enterprise culture upon the basement of organizational objectives and in line with laws and institutions. Honest commercial activities of compliance are the indispensable guarantee to implement the vision of the Company and to practice pursuant to our enterprise culture. 公司及所有員(yuán)工均應遵守法律法規、監管規定和(hé)公司的(de)管理(lǐ)制度,同時(shí)員(yuán)工還(hái)應遵守職業道德。 I. Basic compliance requirements
三、與商業夥伴和(hé)第三方的(de)行爲規範 The Company and all its employees shall comply with laws and regulations, regulatory rules and Company’s management system. The employee shall at the same time comply with the professional ethics. 1、對(duì)管理(lǐ)人(rén)員(yuán)的(de)合規要求公司的(de)管理(lǐ)人(rén)員(yuán)應當以身作則,充分(fēn)履行其監督和(hé)管理(lǐ)職能,對(duì)其自身和(hé)下(xià)屬的(de)行爲負責。 1. Compliance requirements for the managerial personnel The managerial personnel should take the lead and set the example by adequately performing their supervisory and managerial duties, and be responsible for acts of their own and of their subordinates. 2、對(duì)員(yuán)工的(de)合規要求 每一位員(yuán)工的(de)行爲舉止對(duì)外都可(kě)能影(yǐng)響到公司的(de)聲譽,對(duì)内則影(yǐng)響公司的(de)内部管理(lǐ)及文化(huà)建設。因此,公司的(de)每一位員(yuán)工都應當注重自己的(de)言行,爲公司建立良好的(de)企業聲譽。 公司所有員(yuán)工都應當誠信待人(rén)、誠信做(zuò)事,尊重他(tā)人(rén)的(de)尊嚴、隐私和(hé)權利。團隊的(de)力量是公司取得(de)長(cháng)久成功的(de)基礎,所有員(yuán)工都應當重視團隊合作,通(tōng)過團隊合作學習(xí)他(tā)人(rén)的(de)優點,提升自己的(de)能力,勤勉完成崗位職責。 2. Compliance requirements for employees The act and behavior of every employee would externally influence the reputation of the Company, and internally influence the corporate management and the cultivation of our enterprise culture. Every employee, therefore, shall behave himself or herself for the establishment of an excellent reputation of the Company. All the employee shall treat people and act his or her part in good faith, and respect others and their rights and privacy. As teamwork is the foundation for the Company to achieve its success in a long run, all the employee shall attach great importance to teamwork. Through participation in teamwork, all the employee shall learn the virtues of others, enhance their own capacities, and diligently fulfill their duties. 3、對(duì)商業夥伴的(de)合規要求 公司的(de)商業夥伴(包括但不限于供應商、經銷商等)應認同公司的(de)合規文化(huà)、遵守相關法律法規、嚴禁腐敗、對(duì)其員(yuán)工的(de)健康與安全負責、保障産品及服務的(de)質量、遵守與環保有關的(de)法定标準。 3. Compliance requirements for business partners Business partners of the Company (including but not limited to suppliers and distributors) shall identify with the compliance culture of the Company, comply with relevant laws and regulations, strictly prohibit corruption, be responsible for the health and safety of their own employees, guarantee the quality of their products and service, and observe the relevant environmental mandatory standards. 二、适用(yòng)範圍 本合規準則适用(yòng)于公司及分(fēn)公司(事業部)、全資子公司的(de)所有員(yuán)工及派出人(rén)員(yuán)。此外,派出人(rén)員(yuán)還(hái)應遵守被派入單位的(de)合規管理(lǐ)規定。其他(tā)參控股公司及其所有員(yuán)工參照(zhào)适用(yòng)。 II. Applicable Scope These compliance guidelines apply to all the employee and expatriates of the Company, its branches (business divisions), and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Expatriates shall additionally comply with compliance regulations of the host companies. III. Guidelines for dealing with business partners and third parities 1、反腐敗 公司禁止員(yuán)工的(de)任何行賄、受賄或其他(tā)貪腐行爲,任何員(yuán)工不得(de)以任何形式直接或間接向任何商業夥伴、第三方輸送或從商業夥伴、第三方處獲得(de)不當利益(包括但不限于金錢或其他(tā)任何有價物(wù)品或服務等)。 1. Anti-corruption The Company prohibits the employee from offering or accepting bribes or other acts of corruption. Every employee shall neither directly or indirectly offer any business partner or third party inappropriate interests (including but not limited to money or any goods or services of value) in any form, nor directly or indirectly accept inappropriate interests (including but not limited to money or any goods or services of value) in any form offered by any business partner or third party. 2、公平競争與反壟斷 公平競争有助于培養良好的(de)市場(chǎng)環境,實現更高(gāo)的(de)社會效益。公司經營活動應遵守公平競争原則,遵守關于反不正當競争、反壟斷的(de)相關規定。 2. Fair competition and Antitrust Fair competition would contribute to fostering good market circumstances, and furthermore creates greater social benefits. The commercial activity of the Company shall comply with the principle of fair competition and relevant Anti-unfair competition and Anti-trust regulations. 3、反洗錢 公司不爲任何洗錢活動提供便利。所有員(yuán)工都必須遵守關于現金與付款等法律和(hé)财務的(de)相關規定。 3. Anti-money laundering The Company do not provide convenience for any act of money-laundering. All the employee must comply with relevant legal and financial regulations related to cash and payments. 4、出口管制 公司應當遵守聯合國及相關國家的(de)出口管制、貿易管制和(hé)有關貨物(wù)禁運的(de)規定,确保産品進出口符合出口管制、貿易管制和(hé)貨物(wù)禁運的(de)規定。 4. Export control The Company shall comply with export control, trade control and goods embargo regulations of United Nation and relevant countries, and guarantee that its import and export of products are in compliance with export control, trade control and goods embargo regulations. 5、捐贈 公司所進行的(de)捐贈均應合法合規,并符合公司的(de)目标與原則。公司将積極爲社會做(zuò)出應有的(de)貢獻,承擔相應的(de)社會責任。 5. Donation All the donation made by the Company shall comply with laws and regulations, and conform to objectives and principles of the Company. The Company shall positively and duly contribute to society, and shoulder its corresponding social responsibilities. 6、避免利益沖突 在做(zuò)出各類商業決定時(shí),所有員(yuán)工均應首要考慮公司利益,避免利益沖突,禁止員(yuán)工以犧牲公司利益爲代價獲取個(gè)人(rén)利益。利益沖突的(de)形式包括員(yuán)工未經公司允許直接或間接與公司進行交易,或從事妨礙其履行崗位職責的(de)兼職工作,經營與公司相競争的(de)業務等。 公司員(yuán)工及其近親屬未經批準不得(de)直接或間接地與公司客戶、供應商或潛在客戶和(hé)供應商有借、貸、投資及金融上的(de)往來(lái),但個(gè)人(rén)投資上述單位二級市場(chǎng)流通(tōng)股票(piào)的(de)行爲除外,且該等股票(piào)投資行爲需遵守國家相關法律規定。 6. Avoidance of conflict of interests When making all kinds of business decisions, all the employee shall place the interest of the Company in the first place, avoiding conflicting with the interest of the Company. All the employees are prohibited from obtaining personal interests at the expense of the Company’s. Conflicts of interests could be including e.g. employees directly or indirectly doing businesses with the Company without its prior approval, engaging in part-time jobs interfering with the fulfillment of their job responsibilities within the Company, doing businesses in competition with those of the Company, and etc. Without approval, employees and their close relatives may not directly or indirectly develop loan, investment and other financial relationship with the Company’s customers and suppliers or its potential customers and suppliers. However, the personal investment of purchasing liquid stocks of the aforementioned customers or suppliers at the secondary market is exceptionally allowed, and such stock investments shall comply with relevant laws and regulations. 四、保護公司資産 員(yuán)工應當保護公司資産,包括但不限于聲譽、知識産權、信息、産品、房(fáng)産和(hé)其他(tā)各類資産,使公司的(de)資産免受損失及濫用(yòng)。員(yuán)工隻能以完成其工作、開展公司業務爲目的(de)使用(yòng)公司資産,未經授權任何人(rén)不得(de)随意使用(yòng)和(hé)處置公司的(de)任何資産。 IV. Protection of corporate assets The employee shall protect assets of the Company, including but not limited to its reputation, intellectual properties, data, products, real estates, and other forms of assets, from losses and abuse. Employees may utilize assets of the Company with the sole purpose of fulfilling their work tasks, and conducting businesses of the Company; without approval employees may never randomly utilize or dispose of any asset of the Company. 五、保守公司秘密 員(yuán)工應嚴格保守在工作過程中所知悉的(de)公司保密信息以及公司負有保密義務的(de)保密信息,包括但不限于公司的(de)産品設計及運營數據等,員(yuán)工隻能依據其崗位職責使用(yòng)該等保密信息且應遵循法律法規及公司的(de)使用(yòng)要求。 V. Confidentiality Employees shall keep the confidential information of the Company and that the Company is obliged to keep in confidentiality (including but not limited to the product design and operational data of the Company, and etc.) they learn during their work. Employees may only utilize such confidential information pursuant to their responsibilities and comply with laws, regulations and relevant requirements of the Company. 六、數據和(hé)網絡安全 員(yuán)工必須遵守數據及網絡安全的(de)相關法律法規,遵守關于信息系統、軟件、信息技術設備、電子郵件、互聯網、企業内部網絡等的(de)使用(yòng)、存取和(hé)安全性的(de)相關規定,并遵守公司内部數據保護的(de)相關規定。 VI. Data and Internet security Employees must comply with relevant laws and regulation ruling data and Internet security, relevant regulations related to the utilizing, storage and safety of information system, software, information technology equipment, E-mail, Internet, corporate internal network, and etc., and comply with internal regulations of the Company connected to data protection. 七、記錄和(hé)報告 公司必須維持有效的(de)流程和(hé)控制措施,以确保公司業務開展合法合規。公司所有員(yuán)工必須确保其執行業務所涉及的(de)文檔記錄完整、準确及真實。 公司财務人(rén)員(yuán)應确保帳薄、憑證和(hé)報表合理(lǐ)、準确且詳細地反映公司資産交易和(hé)處置情況,并按照(zhào)适用(yòng)的(de)企業會計準則記錄公司的(de)交易。公司應按照(zhào)相關的(de)商業和(hé)法律要求對(duì)外報告。 VII. Records and reports The Company must maintain efficient measures of processes and controls, in order to keep the corporate business in compliance with laws and regulations. All the employee in the Company must guarantee that the document records involved in their work are complete, accurate and authentic. The financial personnel shall guarantee that the account book, certificate and statement reasonably and accurately reflect transactions and disposition of the corporate assets in details, and record transactions of the Company pursuant to applicable Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises (ASBE). The Company shall issue public report according to relevant commercial and legal requirements. 八、質量 公司将秉持爲客戶提供最優質的(de)産品和(hé)服務的(de)理(lǐ)念,以滿足并超越客戶需求爲目的(de),持續提升産品和(hé)服務的(de)品質。 VIII. Quality The Company shall continue improving the quality of its products and services, with the ideal of providing customers the best products and services and the purpose of meeting and surpassing the needs of customers. 九、環境、安全和(hé)員(yuán)工權益 公司高(gāo)度重視環境保護、自然資源節約,職業健康安全體系的(de)建立與健全。公司嚴格遵守環境、安全和(hé)職業健康相關的(de)法律法規,保護員(yuán)工合法權益,實現環保、安全和(hé)健康的(de)經營發展道路。 IX. Environment, safety and employee’s rights and benefits The Company highly value environmental protection, conservation of natural resources, and the establishment and perfection of a professional health and safety mechanism. The Company strictly complies with laws and regulations related to environment, safety and professional health, protects the legal rights and benefits of the employee, for the development of an environmental, safe and healthy business. 十、合規咨詢與舉報 X. Compliance consultation and report 1、合規咨詢 1. Compliance consultation 合規管理(lǐ)部爲全體員(yuán)工提供合規咨詢服務: 合規管理(lǐ)部咨詢電話(huà):86-10-80710462 咨詢郵箱: fthgzx@foton.com.cn Compliance Management Division provide compliance counselling services open to all the employee: Phone number for consultation: 86-10-80710462 E-mail for consultation: fthgzx@foton.com.cn 2、合規舉報 2. Report 公司設置舉報電話(huà)、信箱接收違反公司合規準則的(de)舉報。公司對(duì)所收到的(de)舉報嚴格保密,并保護舉報人(rén)免受報複,對(duì)于追回公司損失的(de),可(kě)給予舉報人(rén)适當獎勵。舉報方式如下(xià): 舉報電話(huà):86-10-80708855 舉報郵箱:fthgjb@foton.com.cn 郵寄地址:北(běi)京市昌平區(qū)沙河(hé)沙陽路 郵編:102206 收件人(rén):北(běi)汽福田汽車股份有限公司法律與知識産權部合規管理(lǐ)部 The Company has phone and e-mail to receive reports of acts violating these Compliance Guidelines of the Company. The Company shall keep the reports in strict confidentiality and protect the reporter or informer from retaliation, and award the reporter or informer appropriate incentives in the event of losses being recovered. Please report or inform via the following methods: Phone number for report:86-10-80708855 E-mail for report: fthgjb@foton.com.cn Address: Shayang Road, Shahe County, Changping District, Beijing, 102206 Attn: Compliance Management Division, Legal and Intellectual Property Department, Beiqi Foton Motor Co.,Ltd 3、處罰 任何違反合規準則的(de)行爲都應受到相應的(de)懲戒,直至解除勞動合同或訴諸法律。 3. Punishment/Penalty Any violation of these Compliance Guidelines shall be correspondingly punished to the extent of termination of labor contracts or litigations. 十一、其他(tā) XI. Miscellaneous 1、本合規準則經職工代表大(dà)會審議(yì)通(tōng)過,自下(xià)發之日起正式生效。 2、本合規準則是公司具有最高(gāo)效力的(de)規範性文件,任何有悖于其部分(fēn)或全部内容/與其部分(fēn)或全部内容相沖突的(de)制度、政策規定等均屬無效。 3、 關于本合規準則的(de)具體實施細則、操作指南(nán)、或行爲指引等由公司授權法律與知識産權部合規管理(lǐ)部起草(cǎo)、修訂并下(xià)發。 1. These Compliance Guidelines are approved by the Employee Representatives Congress and come into force on the date of issuance. 2. These Compliance Guidelines are the normative document of the supreme effect within the Company. Any mechanism, policy or rule in their parts and/or in their whole contrary to these Compliance Guidelines in their parts and/or in their whole is void. 3. The Company has authorized the Compliance Management Division of the Legal and Intellectual Property Department to compile, amend, and issue detailed rules for enforcement, instructions, or guidelines of these Compliance Guidelines. |